Monday, February 16, 2009

Hey guys! It's 7:10pm here (11:10am there) and we are just lounging around. Greg is reading (yes, I said reading), I am playing on the computer, and Carol and Jackson are currently playing with Jackson's Lego Star Wars guys. I don't have a lot new to add today, but thought I would just blog enough to let you all know that we are doing well. It is colder here, so the mudpuddles have frozen out front and it much nicer going out. I know that sounds weird, but it is so nice not getting our shoes filthy...even if it is much colder out! Some of you have asked about our colds and we are all over those and well. I just forgot to put that in a blog. We did visit the boys today and Jackson had a blast once again with them. He asks us every visit why we can't just go on and take them with us now. We always tell him how much we understand his feelings!!! Our facilitator, Andrew, is currently waiting on the results from the medical exam this region of Ukraine requires. The boys were examined last Tuesday and the results are supposed to take no longer than a week per the orphanage director, so please pray for those to be there tomorrow. We cannot get our court date without them! Well, I will go for now. As always, we love and miss you all!


  1. Hi, all of you Maxwell's,

    All is well here--we have a beautiful sunny day, but it is cool.With as much cold weather as we had lately, I am so surprised that jonquils and some shrubs are blooming. Trees are budding--I saw a weeping willow leafed out yesterday. The Bradford pear trees' buds are swelling everywhere. I hope we don't have severe cold weather to turn them black.
    All of your blogs are so interesting and I certainly look forward to each one of them. I am glad Jackson is looking forward to bringing the brothers home, and pray that all continues to go well. Especially, that the court date will be soon.

    I love you and miss you,


  2. Thanks for the updates--we love you and miss you all. We are praying for you as a staff and a ministry and a family daily.

    Can't wait to meet your new sons. They really do favor all of you. Wow--you almost caught up with us with one visit to the Ukraine.

    Jim (for the Watkins' family)

  3. Praying that you are able to get that court date finalized!!! I know what that is like!! We are heading to Alabama this week!!

  4. Good Morning! Hope all is well in the land of cold and ice. Sounds like you are doing well and of course "waiting" it out! We are praying for a court date very soon. I know God has it all planned out, thank you Lord! Take care and love and blessings to all! Tell Jackson we are so proud of him and his new brothers!
    Love, Jim and Donna

  5. I'm glad it is going smoothly! And hopefully your court date will be this week & you can continue moving forward. When I think of Jackson playing with the boys, I picture Trey playing with other boys & how much fun he would be having. We can't wait to meet them when you all get home. I can't get over how much they look like part of your family already-what a conincidence!

    We had sleet or tiny hale here today for a few minutes at lunchtime! It is not that cold today so it quickly melted. My parents are here visiting for the day & we were going to Frankie's for lunch. They were afraid it was going to snow-not likely!
