Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Howdy folks! About 6:08pm here and we are discussing dinner. Hope everyone there is doing well....we miss you all terribly! We are having a good time, but we need your prayers. Jackson was sick with a cold before we left and Greg and I have both caught it. We don't feel great and are just stuffy headed. Please pray for us to get's kind of sapping our energy right now. We did go out for a while today with our new friends, Chris and Ellin Cosper. They are also here adopting and are even staying in our same building. They were here a day ahead of us and have helped us so much with their experiences. We did a little bit of sightseeing today and ate pizza at the food court at the mall. Not quite like ours, but very good nonetheless. We met another facilitator today named Ben. He was very nice and answered a ton of questions for us. He is very familiar with Brook Hills and knows a lot of people who worship there, so we had a lot to talk about outside of the adoption, too. We woke up to snow this morning and it was so beautiful! We all feel like we are staying warm and you all know how hot natured I am, so I have even been too warm at times. Unfortunatly, the boots Carol (Grandma) bought for our trip are not waterproof, so her feet got wet. She may try borrowing mine or might buy another pair...we'll see how it goes. Finally, I want to ask you all to pray for our big SDA appointments tomorrow morning. This is where we will get our referals, so it is a very important day for us. The Cosper's is at 9am and ours is at 11am. That will be at 1am and 3am your time, so please lift us up before you hit the bed tonight. We'll let you know how it goes. Have a great day everyone!


  1. Praise God for His faithfulness thus far!!! I am so excited for you all tomorrow and will continue to pray. May you constantly feel His presence and all of our prayers. Love you!

  2. We are praying for you and are excited to follow the journey....the Hoosiers

  3. We are thinking of you everyday. We will be checking the blog regularly. We love you, Reggie and Linda

  4. Love the snow!! Wish we would get just a little bit!! It is very cold here today--will not get above freezing! Glad you met Ben. He is a super guy that I've known a long time. He has helped us so much in Ukraine with adoptions! Tell him hello for me! We are praying for your appointment tomorrow! I know it will be good! Don't forget God will be there with you each step of the way!
    Love and blessings, Jim and Donna

  5. I think it is good afternoon, but it may be good evening. This is Reggie and I am setting up Elizabeth's account.

  6. Glad you are there safe and sound. Nora Grace is so jealous of the snow! She says to tell Jackson "hi". We are praying for you all and can't wait to hear how tomorrow goes. Sounds like things are more than just "fine". Love you all. Praying for you now! The Cottons

  7. hi, y'all,

    I am learning this with reggie's help. will do better next time.

  8. Hey, Maxwells,

    All is well here. I played bridge this afternoon. Did not win. I think I know how to send a comment now with Reggie's help. I enjoyed your blog today.

    Love and Prayers, Get well soon!


  9. Hi Melanie and all,

    Reggie wanted me to try again to be sure I understand how to send a comment. So here it is.

    I love you,


  10. Snow! I bet Jackson is having fun with that! I hope your colds clear up soon-I'm sure jet lag is zapping your energy too. That can be rough.

    You guys are sleeping now I'm sure & your appt. is only a few hours away. I can't imagine your excitement. I hope it all goes well & I can't want to hear what happens. Meeting your future child & knowing they are somewhere there waiting must be an incredible feeling!

  11. Hello Friends!! Know that we are praying for you guys and what God has in store for you on this day. FYI...colder here in AL than Ukraine, can you believe that?!?!! So I take back the last line of the night night prayer that I sent to you on regular e-mail....;)

    We love you,
    The Owens Family

  12. blessings from HempDaddy!! so good to hear from you guys. Know that you are not alone. We are fighing for your hearts while you are miles away.

  13. I am so relieved to hear that you guys are safe and that you have already experienced some familiar things (TGIF? who knew?). Melanie, I pray that in the next few hours, God will provide you and Greg with a calm and peaceful spirit that will prepare your hearts and minds for this meeting. You are not alone in this journey!

  14. This is Reggie. Hope all is well. I'm helping Jackie get her account working.

  15. It's very cold here in North
    Alabama!!! Hope you are feeling better

  16. Hey guys Keith here,

    Glad to see that all is well. I hope your colds go away. Tell Jackson to remember what Mary told him to do with the snow. We will be praying for you daily and love you guys very much.


    Keith and Family

  17. Hello All
    Really concerned about you and hope
    everything is going great.

    This is a practice run trying to learn
    to send messages.
    Love you

  18. This is the third try.
    Hope I can get everything to
    work correctly.
