Monday, February 9, 2009

Well, it's 7pm on Monday, the 9th here (11am in 'bama) and we are just doing a little hanging out. Greg and I went to visit the boys today and the visit was awesome. They are both so beautiful and seem to be really healthy. The health report from the orphanage was very good...both are intellectually developed where they should be for their age. But, this is relative to where they should be since being raised in an orphanage for the past couple of years. They were both very loving and willing to play with us both. The orphanage director actually asked them both separately but in front of us if they would like for us to be their "Mama and Papa" and they both said "Da--yes" without hearing that the other was even being asked. It was wonderful. Both had smiling faces and lots of laughter. The orphanage is actually very nice and I think the boys have been well cared least as well as they can be in this situation. Carol and Jackson actually stayed home while we went today. We are planning on taking them later after we have had an opportunity to bond with the boys first. I think Jackson is a little bit disinterested in it all right now because he is having a hard time thinking about what it will be like. He did say he was very happy we weren't getting a baby....I guess it is a good thing that we didn't get pregnant! The boys actually look a little bit like Jackson, we think. Big, blue eyes on all three! We will be glad to post pics on the blog of them, but we can't until they are officially ours after the court date. We have been trying to keep Jackson occupied now that we are in the region and can't just walk everywhere like we could in Kiev. We have played lots of games...thank goodness for travel sized games! Jackson is actually recording our time right now and it's pretty funny hearing Greg try to coach him on what to say on the will all love seeing it, I'm sure. We got Carol a new curling brush today since Greg accidentally melted hers when we plugged it up in Kiev. We used the converter...but, it still melted. Anyway, I think she will be a little bit happier with her hair now! Well, I will go for now and will blog again soon.


  1. Hi friends,
    ..sooooo excited for your family! How incredible is it that we are watching and listening to your journey over the web? As a few have already said, it was so neat to be sitting with friends from small group, having the last post read to all of us at the table! We just miss you guys so much-- now when we go out we'll be adding 2 little boys to the mix-- hope they like Mexican! :)
    Take care and know that we are praying every step of the way.

    The Lazenbys

  2. Hi, Maxwells,
    All is well here and we have a beautiful day--nice and warm. I enjoyed your detailed blog and also the emails. The pictures were beautiful--I can see why you are so impressed with the boys. I will be looking forward to a picture of Jackson with them. May God continue to guide and bless you in this eventful fime of your life.

    Love, Elizabeth

  3. Hey Family,
    It's 12:45 A.M. on Tuesday morning.
    Got your e-mail with the pictures and printed
    them off on just regular printer paper, but
    they are good and clear. The boys do have
    beautiful eyes and look so precious. I'm
    praying that you are still seeking God's
    guidance in this decision. Like the song,
    "Prayer is the key but faith unlocks the door".
    So keep the faith and trust in Him.
    Tell Carol I talked with Rand on Sunday. He said his back was slowly improving.
    No mention of your colds in the last two or
    three blogs. Hope you're well and that Jackson
    is eating well.
    Love you,

  4. We are so glad to hear that the trip is going so well. We will continue to pray for you guys!

    The Wrenns

  5. This is all wonderful news! What a great story! We are looking forward to hearing more and seeing more. We will respond in more detail when there is something official. But, it is obvious that God has blessed your family, and that He has blessed the children.

    With love,
