Monday, March 9, 2009

Hey everybody! It's 7:30pm Monday here and due to no DST in Ukraine we are now only 7 hours apart. So, it is 12:30pm there. Well, we have had a good couple of days. Our driver did not want to work yesterday due to it being Women's Day, so we just had a lazy morning. Then we got dressed and walked to "The Hunter" for lunch. It was all decorated with balloons and even a balloon "8" for March 8th holiday. They gave me a tulip and a glass of some beverage (I'm sure they told me what it was, but in Russian of course) that was pretty good for Women's Day. We then walked over to Furshet (the market) and shopped around in there for a while. We walked back and played with Jackson a little bit and watched "Surf's Up" with him. After he went to bed, Greg and I started season 1 of "24". For all you fans out there, this is one intense show. We watched 4 episodes back-to-back and finally decided we should head to bed! It was hard to stop watching, though!

Today, we got up and Yari picked us up to head to the orphanage. At the beginning of the visit Yarik was able to get Ryan to tell me "Happy Birthday, Mama!" It was super sweet. Philip still would not say it. However, I was trying to say the Russian word for Monday...then I said "Angleeski Monday" and he said the Russian word then said "Angleeski Monday". I almost cried....I know the language stuff will come, but it was music to my ears! The boys were especially rowdy today and Ryan cried when we left. I think they are as tired of us just visiting there as we are. We tried our best to explain to them that we would come in 3 days and take them with us forever. I actually can't believe that special day is almost here! But, today is my birthday and thanks to all of you who have already mentioned it to me.... It has certainly been the best birthday ever as I am getting the wonderful gift of 2 new sons. But, it has also been one of my loneliest! Greg and Jackson have done their absolute best to try to make me feel special today and I do.......but, I miss all the rest of my nearest and dearest. I just wanted to tell you all that this time away from you has just made me know how much I love you all the more! So, I can't wait to see you all!

Please pray for us tomorrow and Wednesday as we will be traveling a good bit to get the boys' new birth certificates. As always, we love and miss you all!


  1. Thanks for the message today. It makes the time pass by quicker knowing - maybe within a
    week - you'll soon be home.
    By Boaz time, your birthday is at 10:30 p.m.
    tonight, March 9th and you have already celebrated!!!. You'll just have to do it all
    over again when you get home. AND, it's just
    2 days until Jackson has a big 6. Ask him
    what I can have ready for his birthay gift when he gets here. I'll get something for Philip and Ryan too, so they won't feel left out.
    Any suggestions will be appreciated.

    Hope you have many, many more birthdays to celebrate with your family.

    Love to all,

  2. Happy Birthday to one of my oldest and dearest friends!(I don't mean your age. I mean the length of time we have been friends.)


  3. Melanie, the pictures of you and Greg, and you and the three sons are so good. All of you look so happy and I know your birthday away from home is one you will never forget. I am not sure that I will ever get enough nerve to try sushi. You may always have my share--ha,ha. I'll take fried catfish anytime.

    I am so looking forward to your return to Alabama and getting acquainted with Philip and Ryan.



  4. Special to Jackson,
    Happy Birthday, Jackson!!! You've reached the BIG SIX, according to our information. We have something for you when you get back home.
    Remind your Mom and Dad to take you out. We bet that sixth birthdays are good in the Ukraine, too. Anyway, Jackson have a good day with Mom and Dad and your brothers.


    Betty and Charles
