Monday, March 16, 2009

Hey everyone! 9pm Monday here (2pm there) and I have been holding a sick little boy for about 2 hours! Philip was fever-free all day today, including at his doc appointment for his medical. We of course told the doc about his fever last night and he felt it is viral since there are no other symptoms. He said to just treat with Ibuprofen as we have been. But, today he had no fever and I thought things were okay, then tonight he sat in the chair and fell asleep right after his bath. I went over to him and he was burning up! It is absolutely driving me crazy not knowing what he might be's like I have a 1 year old all over again in this instance because he can't tell me what is wrong. Anyway, we gave him more Ibuprofen and I just held him and he finally came around a bit. We are hopeful that he will rest okay tonight, but are wondering if we should see the local doctor that Lifeline uses for their adoptive families. Please pray for discernment for us and for him to be well! To top it off, Greg was feverish tonight too! Ugh! But, 800mg of Ibuprofen later and he is no longer feverish! Please pray for all of us to get well and to stay well!

On a good note, we completed the medicals without too much problems except a long wait. Then, we headed over to the Embassy for the beginning of the Visa. They did not approve of the photos of the boys the orphanage gave us, so we had to pack all our stuff back up and head out of the locked gates, get new pics made, then back through all the security to get back in. Jackson was a real trooper for all this, but was about at the end of his rope 4 hours later. So, we asked Andrey to take him to McDonald's and all was right in his world again! This afternoon, we went to lunch and to get a few more groceries since we officially are leaving Thursday. We failed to get the Wed. flight because we were supposed to "officially" accept the tickets 3 days prior to the flight. That would have been on Sunday. The travel agent did not realize this "computer thing" and did not tell Andrey to tell us. So, the decision was made for us as the tickets for Wed. increased even more if we were to buy them today! Greg and I are at peace with this because we think this will be a better route anyway....Kiev/NYC/Atlanta/B'ham. Unfortunately, we don't arrive until 10:30pm, so I know this may deter some of you that were coming to meet us at the airport. If so, we understand...if you still want to come, we will be thrilled!

Well, I will go and try to get the family settled for the night! We love you and miss you, but finally see the end in sight!


  1. We are praying for good health by the time that you all leave on Thursday and also a fantastic "night time medicine" for all of the boys! We will also pray for a smooth plane ride, quick and easy customs experience and a wonderful reunion Thursday night at 10:30!! Woo hoo!

    We love you all!
    The Owens

  2. Would you arrive here Thursday night or Friday night at 10:30pm? Just wasn't sure which.
    Looking forward to seeing you all. Praying for all 4 of your boys to be healthy and happy on the travel home. We love you all and can't wait to see your smiling faces at that airport.

  3. The tears are streaming! SO happy your "coming home" plans are set! We're all about that healing power, so we're sending up the prayers. May these next few days be peaceful and easy. Love you all so much!


  4. Hi, All of you Maxwells,

    I am so sorry about Philip's and Greg's illness and pray that the others don't catch it. May you have a good last two days there and a safe and pleasant trip home.

    All is well here and certainly my prayers include all of you.

    With my love and best wishes,


  5. Melanie, Greg and boys,
    We hope that Philip and Greg are on the "mend" by now. We are thankful that the travel arrangements have solidified and that you'll be home very shortly. We are looking forward to seeing all of you soon and are praying for a safe and uneventful trip home.

    Take care,

    Betty and Charles

  6. Oh friends, we are so excited that you will be home soon!!! Praying for health, safe and smooth travel, and energy as you come home. We love you so much!!
    The Deemers

  7. We are a Lifelife family. Hope that all is well and you are headed home very soon. They are beautiful boys. It has been fun watching your blog.
    Tammy Huckabee
