Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hey everyone! 7:53pm Wednesday here (12:53pm there)! It's Jackson's 6th birthday today! Happy, Happy birthday to our precious son. We are truly blessed to have him and praise God every day for entrusting him to us to raise! We love you, Jackson!

Tuesday was a long day of travel. We went to Kiev to get Philip's new birth certificate. After spending a couple of hours in the car and fighting through Kiev traffic, we finally made it to the office we needed to get to. Once there, we found out the director of that division was off and wouldn't be back until today. So, Andrey (facilitator) just left all of our paperwork with them and set up to come in this morning. We headed back and had a bright moment at the end of our day when we got to talk to Mary, Starlette, Matt, and Eli on webcam. That made the not so great day so much better.

Wednesday started off rough. Sasha and Andrey drove here from Kiev...with no birth certificate. Turns out there is some new "red tape" the director in Kiev was requiring. Sasha said he has been doing this job for 10 years and has never had to go through this for a birth certificate. However, he was able to accomplish what the director required while Yari, Andrey, Greg, Jackson, and I went to Yi-mil-chee-no for Ryan's birth certificate. It was another 2+ hours on a much worse road to get there. But, we made it and got the new certificate. And Sasha got Philip's and faxed it to the office in Yimilchino, so we got both certificates legalized. I praise God for ending up working the certificates out for us in the time we were praying for. Now, we get to go ahead and start on passports tomorrow. Plus, best of all, we get to bring the boys home with us tomorrow for good. So, we ask that you pray for the old passports to be available in Zyhtomyr---the old type takes about 2 hours to get made. If no old are available, we will have to do new type, which will take 2-7 days. Also, pray for all of us as we officially begin the adjustment to a family of 5! It will be different for us all! As always, we love and miss you!


  1. Jackson, HAPPY 6TH BIRTHDAY!!! You still have time to tell me something you want for your birthday, or, I guess you will be in for a surprise. Hope you are having a good time with
    your brothers and that you're busy teaching them the English language.

    Can you believe it was 81 degrees here on Tuesday and it's still really warm today. Some
    light sprinkles of rain. Temperature is supposed to drop about 35 to 40 degrees by the week-end.

    I know you are excited about getting the boys and yes, we are praying almost constantly for
    no more delays and you'll be home soon.


  2. Hello to all of you Maxwells,

    Whew, what a trying day you had. It tired me to read it. I do hope all will go well in getting the passports, so that there will not be more delay. I imagine Philip and Ryan are looking forward to the airplane trip to their new home. I pray for a safe and uneventful one for all of you.

    Thanks to you Jackson for the reply to my email.

    Love to all,


  3. Happy, Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday to you! Happy, Happy Birthday from all your Birmingham friends. Happy B-day Jackson! We miss you so much and have enjoyed seeing on the webcam sooo much! I am so excited about what tomorrow holds for you - you will always remember your 6th b-day because you will remember getting your brothers the day after!
    You are so special to all of us and we can't wait to get you home for lots of hugs and kisses! Can't wait for the blog for Thursday!
    Love you guys,
    Mary Margaret & family
