Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hey everyone! 7:30pm Saturday here (11:30 am there) and Carol should be somewhere over the Atlantic. She is set to arrive in Birmingham at 5pm-ish today. Sasha came to pick her up about 9pm last night and asked us to go to dinner with him before they left. So, we went to our favorite traditional Ukrainian restaurant and as always it was good. I'm glad we went because none of us had been able to eat much dinner and Carol had not eaten anything because we were just busy getting her ready to go. She had a tearful moment before leaving us....she didn't know if she was sad, scared, or excited. But, she was very emotional either way. We will be glad to get a call from her about 1am our time letting us know she made it safely! We loved having her with us for so much of our journey and we will certainly miss her!

We had a great morning just relaxing and then we had our driver pick us up for lunch and market. After that, we went to visit the boys and as usual here lately they did not want us to go. It is so hard to continue to leave them there, especially since today was our 10th day of the 10-day waiting period. They are completely ours now. However, we are not going to take them out of the orphanage just yet. Monday is a holiday as I mentioned earlier, so none of the final "stuff" can be done that day. Then Tuesday and Wednesday we will be getting their new birth certificates with their new names, birthdays, and us as their parents. One of them is in a town about 100km from Zhytomyr and the other is in Kiev, 100km the other way. So, it will take both days to get them since we will do 1 each day. Then Thursday, we will get the boys and begin the passport process. They will leave the orphanage with us on Thursday...finally! It has certainly been a long journey, but one that is about to come to an least the Ukraine part! Praise God for His gracious provision! We love and miss you all!


  1. Happy Birthday Mel Mel!! Hope that you and your family have a wonderful day celebrating and also rejoice in the blessings of this year... ...especially the last month of your life in the Ukraine. Cannot wait for you to come home and have a belated celebration. Do I see pedicure in your future? Something tells me that you have not worn your sassy flip flops lately!

    Much love,

  2. Melanie,
    We send Loooooonnngggg Distance Happy Birthday wishes. We think this might be on of the best ever. Lots of folks are wanting to celebrate with you. Perhaps you should rent the armory and have a Biiiig party. May the best of everything be yours on MARCH 9, 2009.

    Charles and Betty

  3. So good to hear that things are about to come to fruition!!! We're praying there will be no more "hang-ups" to cause more delays.

    We'll have to do lots of celebrating when you get home (and you're going to be too tired to have this immediately!!). Your birthday, Jackson's birthday, and celebrating the arrival of two more precious boys. The pictures in their "Sunday" clothes were really
    sweet and pretty.

    You'll just have to keep os posted two or three times daily so that we con know the hour
    you will be leaving.

    Love you very much - and still praying for you.

  4. Greg and Melanie,
    These next few days will keep you very busy! I know that change of pace will help pass the time some! I am praying smooth processes with birth certificates and onto the passports. God has been so good! I know you will be thrilled to get home. I will call later this week.
    Just a few more day!

  5. Good Morning to all of you, and especially HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Melanie. Congratulations to you on the official receipt of Philip and Ryan to your family. I know you are eagerly awaiting the time to bring them out of the orphanage.

    With my love and may God Bless You.

