Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hey folks! 9:08 pm Saturday here (2:08pm there) and we are watching one of Jackson's movies and getting ready to wind down for bed. We all had a nap today, so we are letting them stay up a little later tonight. We have had a much "easier" day today. I put that in quotes because it was still somewhat hard. The language barrier is so huge, but we are seeming to be able to work through it with our version of sign language. On a big positive, both boys are very adept at washing themselves and getting themselves dressed. They can both brush their teeth too, but Momma is a little bit too anal to let them. All 3 boys slept well last night after about 45min. of playing and us trying to get them to wind down. Greg and I didn't sleep very well, but you can imagine the excitement/doubt/worry/joy/fear/anxiety/etc. we are going through. I'm certain we will have more sleepness nights throughout their upbringing. What parent doesn't? Ryan had a pretty good crying spell last night, and that was just different for him because neither of them ever cry when they get hurt. We know that it was probably just him missing his life and the only home/family he has ever known. No crying today though, so we are very pleased. I have been doing some packing off and on today because we leave tomorrow before noon for Kiev. Sasha has rented us a place to stay there and Monday we will visit the American Embassy to begin the final processes before we can leave. Monday we will decide if we can get done and fly out on Wed. or if we will have to wait until Thurs. We are just so thrilled that we don't have to spend another weekend in Ukraine, so either day is fine with us. Pray for Wed. though because that day would be the best, obviously. Jackson has been such a champ throughout all of this...even the part where they have come in and just started acting crazy. We are very proud of him and just keep explaining to him how much we love him and how God has given us enough love for all 3 of our boys! We are going to try to do something special with just him soon after we get home and his birthday party will be on the books as soon as we can get back and get settled. We'll keep all of his buddies posted about that special day! Well, I will go for now! Love and miss you all!


  1. Hey Sis and family!! I'll try again! I am sorry that I'm not very smart with this blog thing, but wanted again to try to tell you how anxious I am to read your updates each day! I can tell how anxious you and the family are to get home! I spoke to Mom and got one of your latest updates...I miss you badly and pray for your safe and speedy return. Jackson and I will teach Philip and Ryan the most important English they need to know! Get them started Jackson and they might know it by heart by the time i get there. Remember.."Uncle Donald, your the _______________"

    Big Bro

  2. Hey, beautiful Maxwells! So funny, I was standing at the kitchen sink praying for you guys today when Jarl yelled out that some flight options had been worked out. PTL! After reading about that crazy day you had the other day it made perfect sense to me why I could NOT get you guys off my mind that entire night/day. I couldn't sleep, and I just kept waking up with thoughts and dreams of you running through my head. Melly - shhhh! you and me, you and me. I've SO been wondering how you would approach the language barrier because all the people I know who adopted overseas got toddlers, and it was a non-issue. Of course, they had other issues! One of Parker's nurses at Children's is single, and she got a little boy from Russia who was about 9 months old. She went alone to do the entire thing. He had spent pretty much his entire life in a crib and didn't know what to do when someone was holding him. She said when she was coming home with him she was running through airports with all her stuff PLUS him, and he was just flayed out - hanging backwards! She said it was so, so difficult, but she was planning to go back and get another precious blessing as soon as she could get it all worked out! I'm so thankful you guys are there together, and I just keep thinking how Jackson is such a perfect kid. God planned this thing to the smallest detail! I know it's so hard to have patience and to not get homesick for your friends and life. You know Parker and I lived June, July, most of August and all of September at Children's then October through the week before Christmas at the Hope Lodge in 2006. Talk about homesick! And I barely got to see or even talk to the girls - I got so upset when I talked to them on the phone that it got them upset, so we just decided we would't do it. Jarl and I never switched places a single day because I was still nursing Parker. I only walked off the stem cell unit once, and that was the week we got out when they had a special pampering event for the moms of the sick kids at a different spot there in the hospital. I didn't have a haircut, a haircolor, an ounce of make-up or a stitch of clothing bought for me that entire time; and I didn't care. I took that time away from life to draw as close to God as I possibly could. It wasn't easy, but He walked every step with me; and it was a BLESSING - doesn't mean I ever want to walk that path again! But I know you know what I mean when I say he allows these little roadblocks, setbacks or interruptions to accomplish something greater. Everything will be perfect in His time, in His way and for His glory. How proud you are making our heavenly Father every step of your journey!

    We're loving every little bit of info you share, and please hear me when I tell you ALL of you are in our constant thoughts and prayers. Girl, I can't tell you the special place you hold in this heart - words can't express it. I know I'm not much of a friend, and I know I'm a mess of a person in general - but I hope you know I'd go to the ends of the Earth and back for you and yours. I mean that. We really want to do something special for you guys and all three boys. Please let us know something you really need or want. You guys are SO blessed with such an amazing circle of friends, and I know you don't exactly need us; but we want and need to bless you in some way. Let me know. Love you, love you, love you ALL!

